Educators Guide

On this page you will find additional resources for educators and facilitators including activities, lesson guides and toolkits. These resources are designed to create more learning opportunities for young people to enhance critical thinking around digital technologies. Use them alongside the "What the Future Wants Debut" exhibition or as standalone resources in whichever educational context suits you.

"Everywhere, All the Time" exhibition

“Everywhere, All the Time” is a creative and playful digital literacy intervention for teens that fosters critical conversions about AI, technology and it's impacts. Co-developed with 300 young people and 100 educators worldwide, it includes sets of easy-to-print and install posters, activity cards and an extensive educators' guidebook.

"What the Future Wants Debut" activities

Hello, Friend is a drawing activity about persuasive design.

Let’s Face It is a short quiz about biometric technologies.

Handy? is a reflection activity about society’s growing dependency on technology.

Don’t be Evil is a reflection activity about values surrounding ‘big tech’.

If you are interested in hosting "What the Future Wants Debut" exhibition, "Everywhere, All the Time" exhibition or using "What the Future Wants Debut" activities, please get in touch with us at, and we'll share the files free of charge.


How Tech Shapes Our Future is a workshop to explore, reflect on and react to pre-defined tech-related topic (Artificial Intelligence, Gaming, or Influencing).

What Matters to Us is a workshop to think about yourself and your place in the community and the world, identifying the issues that matter to you.

Shaping Narratives is a workshop to reflect on the importance of fact-checking statements on headlines since they can shape our understanding of reality.

Influence the Influencer is a workshop about campaigning to establish core values and demands about (hidden) influencers behind technology.

What the Future Brings is a workshop to speculate about the digital future. In what direction do young people see technology heading and what is their role in that future?

Debating the Digital is a workshop to encourage critical thinking around technology.

Articles and research

Co-Creating a Public Education Intervention: A Contextual Analysis - Part 1 of our series on Tactical Tech’s co-created with youth our first youth-centered public education intervention, the What the Future Wants Debut exhibition.

Co-Creation as Methodology for Uncertain Times: Practice, Learnings, and Findings - Part 2 of our series on Tactical Tech’s first youth-centered public education intervention

Beyond Screens: Managing screen time dilemma - An article with guiding principles and tips for parents who have children that are becoming independent in their technology use.

Predictive Futures: The Normalisation of Monitoring and Surveillance in Education - A reflection on the implications of data collection, surveillance and use of predictive technologies in Education.

What the Future Wants - A critical look at how digital technologies designed for young people are often addictive, unhealthy or unsafe — and what we should be doing about it.

Other recommended resources

Data Detox x Youth is an interactive workbook for students to learn about data privacy, digital security, digital wellbeing and misinformation.

Digital Enquirer Kit - E-learning course that guides learners through lessons on how to prevent the spread of misinformation. The course covers topics including media literacy, verification, and how to navigate the internet safely. Access the course on or track your progress and earn a certificate on